The Fiddler Den Haag
Gelieerd aan: Animal Army Brewery- Handpomp (voor Cask Ales)
Provincie: Zuid-Holland
Telefoon: 070-3651955E-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Riviervismarkt 12513 AM 's-Gravenhage
"You can see the brewery inside this pub. They brew several traditional English ales using the finest malts, carefully selected hop flowers and they maintain their own special yeast family. All the ingredients used are natural. They are passionate and devoted to brewing their favourite ales for your drinking pleasure. All in all they produce ales full in flavour and body with an alcohol percentage to suit all occasions. They use the hand pumps to tap the ales. No gas is used to push the beer up, it is the pump that they move, that pushes the beer through the tube. The ales are low in carbonation, because of the pump. Using the hand pump for ales is common in the UK."
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