I Milk Your Drinkshake
India Pale Ale (USA)
Smaakcategorie: Blond & Krachtig
Biertypering(en): Collaboration
Verpakking: Fles, Fust
Dit bier werd gebrouwen in 2016.
Gebrouwen bij:
- West Coast Bryggeri
Op Untappd wordt dit bier beschreven als: "This brew is dedicated to real friendship, you know the kind that doesn’t need any pampering, no useless phone calls, frankly no fuss. It’s just there, whenever you see each other you know it’s cool. You just sit down at a bar for a Raspberry/Key Lime Milkshake IPA and pick up where you left off. Brewed by All In Brewing & LOC Brewery at West Coast Bryggeri Gothenburg, Sweden".
6% |
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