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Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur



Biertype: IPA - English

Biertypering(en): Collaboration

Verpakking: Blik, Fust

Dit bier werd gebrouwen in 2022.

Collaboration Brew met Kaapse Brouwers, gebrouwen in het kader van Dryhop January (2022).

"Alright chaps? This lavish ale is the result of a bit of banter between two brewing mates, Aart from Walhalla and Etienne from Kaapse. The blokes reckoned Continental folks could use a proper India Pale Ale, as it was brewed long before the yanks botched the style. Naturally, this one was brewed with the finest malts and hops from our blessed Albion."


  water, gerstemout, hop (Fuggles, East Kent Goldings & Admiral) & gist


Brouwerij Walhalla Kaapse Brouwers

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