Biertype: Sour - Fruited Gose
In productie: Ja
Vast assortiment: Ja
Verpakking: Fles, Fust
Dit bier wordt gebrouwen sinds 2015.
De brouwerij schrijft op de website over dit bier:
Reminiscent of the sun, the beach and the saltiness of the North Sea, Swingers is the perfect partner on the dance floor we call life: fresh, fruity and a little bit salty. Lime, lemon and orange peel combine with Citra hops to give this gose its quirky character. Open your mind and start swinging. Who knows what might happen.
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- Dutch Beer Challenge 2020
Zilveren Medaille Categorie Innovatie/Speciaal - Sour/Brett - World Beer Cup 2022
Bronze Award - Category 62: Contemporary Gose - 67 Entries

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