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Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur


FF Lekker Met Je Bek In Het Zonnetje

Biertype: Session India Pale Ale
Smaakcategorie: Soepel & Subtiel

In productie: Ja
Vast assortiment: Ja

Verpakking: Blik, Fles, Fust

"Summer! Sunshine! Finally the sun reached us and our part of this globe started to get warmer! Summer is present and in Holland we move our asses to the-outside! Sitting in the sunshine on roofs, parks and terrasses! Therefore we created ‘’FF lekker met je bek in het zonnetje’’ (your face sitting full blown in the sun) a sessionable pale ale, low bodied, crisp fresh and uber hoppy. Ideal fit for those summer afternoons. Even in between work!


Uiltje Brewing Company

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