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Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur



Biertype: Saison
Smaakcategorie: Amber & Elegant

In productie: Ja

Verpakking: Fles

Dryhopped saison with Brettanomyces

Batch #2
Erve #2 is a refreshing, dry and rustic table beer with a subtle palette of locally grown Cascade hops that lend delicate citrusy notes and a soft bitterness. This beer was aged for a longer time than Alm and Weide, allowing the Brettanomyces and our own wild house culture of grapes to develop a fascinating rural character. The finish offers spicy black pepper and juicy grapefruit.
Bottled on: 29-11-2017
ABV: 5.5%
Plato: 10.4°

Batch #1
This first batch was double dryhopped with Mandarina Bavaria for extra citrusy notes.
Bottled on: 20-06-2017
ABV: 5.2%
Plato: 11.0°




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