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Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur

Bieren / Biertypen

IIPA DIPA - Imperial / Double IPA


The “Imperial India Pale Ale (IIPA)”, or “Double IPA (DIPA)”, is an intensely hoppy, fairly strong pale ale without the big, rich, complex maltiness and residual sweetness and body of an American Barley Wine. The term “Double / Imperial" is arbitrary and simply implies a stronger version of an IPA, generally based around the standard American IPA with 8.0 to 9.5% ABV. Bigger than either an English or American IPA in both alcohol strength and overall hop level (bittering and finish). Less malty, lower body, less rich and a greater overall hop intensity than an American Barleywine. Color ranges from golden to light orange-copper although many substyles exist, each having their own color tone. These other Imperial IPA substyles generally are closer-related to their base IPA substyle and should be listed with them, if the substyle is listed. The style also includes the “Triple IPA (IIIPA / TIPA)” and “Quad IPA”, a massively hoppy beer of at least 9.5% ABV with outrageous amounts of hop flavor, malt flavor, alcohol and bitterness, without the big maltiness balance of an American barleywine. The Triple IPA may be similar to a Double IPA in hop character, but is differentiated from the style by a thick, syrupy body accented by intense hop resins that make it a heavy sipping beer.

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