Bieren / Biertypen
Brown Ale
The classic British Brown Ale is a malty, brown caramel-centric British ale without the roasted flavors of a Porter. A wide-ranging category with different interpretations possible, ranging from lighter-colored to hoppy to deeper, darker, and caramel-focused; however, none of the versions have strongly roasted flavors. More malty balance than British Bitters, with more malt flavors from darker grains. Stronger than a Mild ale. Less roast than an English Porter. The American Brown Ale is a malty but hoppy beer frequently with chocolate and caramel flavors. The hop flavor and aroma complements and enhances the malt rather than clashing with it. More chocolate and caramel type flavors than American Pale or Amber Ales, typically with less prominent bitterness in the balance. Less bitterness, alcohol, and hop character than Brown IPAs. More bitter and generally hoppier than English Brown Ales, with a richer malt presence, usually higher alcohol, and American/New World hop character.
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