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Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur

Bieren / Biertypen

Barley Wine / Wheat Wine / Rye Wine


An English Barley Wine is a showcase of malty richness and complex, intense flavors. Chewy and rich in body, with warming alcohol and a pleasant fruity or hoppy interest. When aged, it can take on port-like flavors.Although often a hoppy beer, the English Barleywine places less emphasis on hop character than the American Barley Wine. In the American versions, the hop character should be evident throughout, but does not have to be unbalanced. The alcohol strength and hop bitterness often combine to leave a very long finish. English versions can be darker, maltier, fruitier, and feature richer specialty malt flavors than American Barley Wines and has some overlap British Old Ale on the lower end, but generally does not have the vinous qualities of age. American versions differs from a Double IPA in that the hops are not extreme, the malt is more forward, and the body is fuller, often richer and typically has more residual sweetness than a Double IPA. The Wheat Wine is more than simply a wheat-based barley wine, many versions have an emphasis on the bready, wheaty flavors with interesting complexity from malt, hops, fruity yeast character and alcohol complexity and it as less emphasis on the hops than American Barleywine.

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