Bieren / Biertypen
Weissbier - Weizenbock
The Weizenbock is a strong, malty, fruity, wheat-based ale combining the best malt and yeast flavors of a Weissbier (pale or dark) with the malty-rich flavor, strength, and body of a Dunkler Bock or Doppelbock. Pale (Heller) and dark (Dunkler) versions exist, although dark are more common. Pale versions have less rich malt complexity and often more hops, as with doppelbocks. Stronger and richer than a Hefeweizen or Dunkelweizen, but with similar yeast character. More directly comparable to the Doppelbock style, with the pale and dark variations. Can vary widely in strength, but most are in the bock to doppelbock range.
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