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Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur

Bieren / Biertypen

Gose - Flavored


The “Flavored Gose” (pronounced “Goh-zeh”) is a highly-carbonated, tart and fruity-tasting wheat ale with a restrained coriander and salt character and low bitterness and with a clear flavoring element. Very refreshing, with bright flavors and high attenuation. It’s an harmonious marriage of the additive and beer, but still recognizable as a beer. The additive character should be evident but in balance with the beer. Generally medium yellow colored but can be influenced by the color of added additive. The “Traditional Gose” is spontaneously fermented; however, top-fermenting ale yeast can be pitched for primary fermentation. The “Contemporary Gose” uses the kettle-sour method to achieve the sour aspect of gose, rather than longer mixed-culture fermentations. Perceived acidity is not as intense as Berliner Weisse or Gueuze. Can have an Coriander aroma similar to a Witbier and an haziness similar to a Weissbier.

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