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Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur

Bieren / Biertypen

Sour / Wild Beer - Dark


The “Dark Wild Beer” and the “Dark Sour Beer” are catch-all styles for any copper to dark-brown beer where the implementation of a microorganism other than traditional brewer’s yeasts ensures a drier, thinner, sour and/or funkier product. Such microorganisms includes Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Saccharomyces and Brettanomyces. Younger versions are fruitier, while older ones possess more depth of funk and may lose more of the base style character. The base beer style becomes less relevant because the various yeast and bacteria tend to dominate the profile. The "Traditional Wild / Sour Dark Beers” are often the result of a Mixed-Fermentation Blend of beers aged in barrels and tend to have a complex funky taste acquired from the microbial flora. Wood or barrel aging is very common in this type of beers, but not required. The “Kettle Sour Dark Beers” or “Quick Soured Dark Beers” are generally soured using a Kettle Souring technique in a stainless steel mash tun and have a tartness taste similar of an unsweetened yogurt.

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