Bieren / Biertypen
Gotlandsdricka / Koduõlu / Sahti
The Gotlandsdricke / Koduõlu / Sahti are traditional ales style unique to three areas: Finland (Sahti), the Swedish island of Gotland and the Estonian island of Saaremaa (Koduõlu). There are subtle differences between them and also between Sahti from different regions in Finland. In general however these are strong ales made with a combination of rye and barley malt. They have minimal hop character and have a juniper and juniper berry flavor as well as a strong banana-clove yeast character. Many homebrewed traditional examples are made with baking yeast that often generates that highly phenolic character. Some examples will also have a smoky character and this is particularly evident in gotlandsdricke. Strong resemblance to Weizenbocks, but sweet and thick with a rye and juniper character.
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