Bieren / Biertypen
Strong Ale - English
This English Strong Ale is a deep gold to dark reddish-brown colored ale of respectable alcoholic strength. It can have a wide range of interpretations, but most will have varying degrees of malty richness, late hops and bitterness, fruity esters, and alcohol warmth. A wide range of interpretations is possible. It can include pale malty-hoppy beers, English Winter Warmers, strong dark milds, smaller Burton Ales, and other unique beers in the general gravity range that don’t fit other categories. Significant overlap in gravity with old ales, but not having a stale or aged character. Should not be as rich or strong as an English Barleywine. Stronger than the stronger everyday beers like strong bitters, brown ales and porters. More specialty malt character than American Strong Ales.
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