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Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur

Bieren / Biertypen

IPA - Red


The Red India Pale Ale (IPA), or India Red Ale, is reddish-amber to dark reddish-copper colored, hoppy, bitter, and moderately strong like an American IPA, but with some caramel, toffee, and/or dark fruit malt character. Retaining the dryish finish and lean body that makes IPAs so drinkable, a Red IPA is a little more flavorful and malty than an American IPA without being sweet or heavy. A Red IPA will differ from an American IPA with the addition of some darker malts giving a slightly sweeter, more caramelly and dark fruit-based balance. A Red IPA differs from an American Strong Ale in that the malt profile is less intense and there is less body. It still has an IPA balance and doesn’t trend towards a barleywine-like malt character. It is also like a stronger, hoppier American Amber Ale, with the characteristic dry finish, medium-light body, and strong late hop character. "Imperial" and "Session" variants are generally closer-related to the base substyle and should be listed with them.

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